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Home » How Did They Make Uncle Buck’s Car Smoke? 5 Explosive Techniques Revealed

How Did They Make Uncle Buck’s Car Smoke? 5 Explosive Techniques Revealed

How Did They Get Uncle Buck'S Car to Smoke

Uncle buck’s car started smoking due to a mechanical issue or a problem with the engine. Smoke coming out of a car can be alarming and indicate potential issues with the vehicle.

Uncle buck’s car started smoking because of a mechanical problem or an issue with the engine. Smoke is often caused by oil or coolant leaking onto hot engine parts, which can be a sign of a faulty gasket, seal, or a damaged component.

Another common cause of smoke is an overheating engine, which can occur due to a malfunctioning cooling system or a low coolant level. It’s important to address any smoking issues promptly to avoid further damage and ensure the car’s safety on the road. Regular maintenance and routine inspections can help prevent such problems from occurring.

How Did They Make Uncle Buck's Car Smoke? 5 Explosive Techniques Revealed


Table of Contents

The Power Of Movie Special Effects

Movies have the incredible ability to transport us into different worlds and ignite our imaginations. A major factor that contributes to this immersive experience is the use of special effects. These technological marvels have the power to create realistic and engaging scenes that leave us in awe.

The smoke coming from uncle buck’s car in the famous movie serves as a prominent example of just how effective special effects can be. Let’s dive into the importance of using these effects and how they bring the story to life.

Introduction To The Use Of Special Effects In Movies

Special effects are tricks and techniques used in cinematography to create visual illusions that would be difficult or impossible to achieve in reality. Whether it’s bringing dinosaurs back to life, creating futuristic cityscapes, or making objects appear to move on their own, special effects are the magician’s wand in the filmmaker’s toolkit.

Here are the key points to understand about the use of special effects:

  • Special effects enhance storytelling by adding visual spectacle and transforming ordinary scenes into extraordinary ones.
  • They provide an avenue for filmmakers to showcase their creativity and imagination, pushing the boundaries of what is possible on screen.
  • Special effects can range from practical effects, such as physical props and makeup, to computer-generated imagery (cgi) that seamlessly integrates with live-action footage.
  • They can simulate natural phenomena, like uncle buck’s car smoke, or create fantastical creatures and environments.

Importance Of Creating Realistic And Engaging Scenes

One of the primary goals of movie-making is to captivate the audience and make them feel immersed in the story. To achieve this, creating realistic and engaging scenes is crucial. Here’s why it matters:

  • Realistic scenes draw the audience into the story, making them feel connected to the characters and their experiences.
  • Engaging scenes evoke emotions and hold the viewer’s attention, allowing them to become fully invested in the narrative.
  • Special effects contribute to the suspension of disbelief, allowing viewers to accept fantastical elements as part of the movie’s reality.
  • The success of a film often depends on the audience’s ability to emotionally connect with the characters and the events unfolding on screen.

Uncle Buck’S Car Smoke As A Prominent Example Of Special Effects

In the movie uncle buck, a classic comedy starring john candy, there is a memorable scene where buck’s old car generates smoke like a chimney. This scene serves as a prominent example of the power of special effects. Here’s why it stands out:

  • The smoke emanating from uncle buck’s car adds humor, emphasizing the car’s decrepit condition and the challenges the characters face.
  • Special effects were used to create the smoke in a controlled and safe manner, allowing for multiple takes and ensuring the actors’ well-being.
  • The realism of the smoke, combined with the comedic timing of the actors, enhances the overall impact of the scene and elicits laughter from the audience.
  • It demonstrates how special effects can be employed to elevate a seemingly ordinary moment into a memorable and entertaining sequence.

Special effects in movies are a vital tool for filmmakers to create breathtaking visuals and bring their stories to life. From captivating audiences with realistic scenes to providing awe-inspiring spectacle, special effects have the power to transport us to unimaginable worlds.

Uncle buck’s car smoke serves as a shining example of how these effects can transform a simple moment into a comedic masterpiece. So, the next time you see smoke billowing from a car on the big screen, remember the incredible magic behind it.

The Science Behind The Smoke

Have you ever watched a movie or attended a concert where smoke mysteriously filled the air? It creates an intriguing ambiance and adds an element of excitement to the performance. But have you ever wondered how they achieve such captivating smoke effects?

It’s not magic but rather a fascinating science behind it. In this section, we will delve into the concept of smoke generation and explore the chemistry and physics that bring these smoke effects to life. We will also uncover the role of pyrotechnics and chemical reactions in creating these mesmerizing smoke displays.

Understanding the concept of smoke generation:

  • Smoke is the result of the incomplete combustion of organic matter or other substances. When a material burns, it undergoes a chemical reaction known as combustion, releasing heat, light, gases, and smoke particles.
  • It is important to note that smoke consists of tiny suspended particles, which can be solid, liquid, or even a mixture of both. These particles are usually so small that they remain suspended in the air for an extended period.
  • The composition of smoke varies depending on the material being burned. Organic materials such as wood, paper, or tobacco produce different types of smoke compared to synthetic substances like plastics or chemicals.
  • Understanding the concept of smoke generation is crucial to comprehend how smoke effects are achieved in various situations, whether in movies, theatrical performances, or special events.

Exploring the chemistry and physics behind smoke effects:

  • The smoke effects we commonly see are created through a combination of chemistry and physics. The process involves the controlled release of smoke particles into the air to produce the desired visual effect.
  • The chemistry behind smoke effects often involves the use of compounds that generate smoke when heated or ignited. These compounds can be specially formulated mixtures designed to produce the desired color, density, and longevity of the smoke.
  • The physics behind smoke effects mainly revolve around the behavior and movement of smoke particles in the air. Factors such as temperature, air pressure, humidity, and airflow play a significant role in dictating the behavior and distribution of smoke particles.
  • Understanding the chemistry and physics of smoke effects enables professionals in the entertainment industry to create captivating visuals that enhance the overall experience for viewers and audiences.

Role of pyrotechnics and chemical reactions in creating smoke:

  • Pyrotechnics, the art of creating and managing fireworks and other special effects, plays a crucial role in generating smoke effects. Pyrotechnic devices are often used to create controlled explosions or burn specific substances that produce smoke.
  • Various chemicals are employed in pyrotechnics to produce specific colors, density, and duration of smoke. These chemicals are carefully selected and combined to achieve the desired effect while ensuring safety.
  • Different chemical reactions occur during the combustion of pyrotechnic mixtures, leading to the release of gases and the production of smoke particles. These reactions are precisely timed to create the desired visual impact, synchronization with music or performances, and safe execution.
  • Pyrotechnics and chemical reactions work hand in hand to create the stunning smoke effects we see during concerts, stage productions, or even theme park attractions.

The science behind smoke effects is a captivating field that combines chemistry, physics, and pyrotechnics to create visually stunning displays. Understanding the concept of smoke generation, exploring the chemistry and physics behind smoke effects, and recognizing the role of pyrotechnics and chemical reactions in creating smoke all provide valuable insights into how these effects are achieved.

So, the next time you witness smoke engulfing a scene, you can appreciate the scientific wonders behind it.

Technique 1: Smoke Machines

Overview Of Smoke Machines As A Popular And Versatile Tool

Smoke machines are widely used in various industries for creating dramatic effects, especially in film production and live performances. These versatile tools are designed to emit artificial smoke or fog, enhancing the visual impact of a scene or event. Here are some key points to understand about smoke machines:

  • Smoke machines consist of a heat exchanger or atomization system that converts a liquid solution into smoke or fog.
  • The smoke is typically produced using a mixture of water and a special fluid known as fog juice.
  • Smoke machines come in different sizes and power ratings, allowing users to choose the one that suits their specific needs.
  • They are commonly used in entertainment venues, such as theaters, concerts, and nightclubs, to create atmospheric effects and add a sense of mystery or suspense to the experience.
  • Apart from entertainment applications, smoke machines are also used in various other industries, including firefighting training, industrial testing, and simulations.

Different Types Of Smoke Machines And Their Capabilities

Smoke machines can be categorized into different types based on their functionality and purpose. Each type offers unique capabilities to meet different requirements. Let’s explore the various types of smoke machines:

  • Foggers: Fog machines are the most commonly used type of smoke machine. They produce a thick, low-lying fog that stays close to the ground, creating a spooky or mystical ambiance. Foggers are often employed in haunted houses, halloween parties, and theatrical productions.
  • Hazers: Hazers produce a fine, atmospheric haze that hangs in the air for an extended period. Unlike fog machines, hazers create a more subtle effect and are preferred for highlighting lighting effects, lasers, and projectors during live performances or photo shoots.
  • Co2 cryogenic machines: These specialized smoke machines generate a dense, white plume of smoke using liquid co2. They are commonly used in concert performances, music videos, and sporting events to create dynamic visual effects, such as jetting smoke or bursts of smoke clouds.
  • Low fog machines: Low fog machines are designed to produce a ground-hugging fog that mimics low-lying clouds or a mystical foggy scene. This effect is achieved by using a mixture of fog juice and dry ice or by refrigerating the fog produced by the machine. Low fog machines are frequently used in stage plays and special effects for films.

How Smoke Machines Are Used To Create Uncle Buck’S Car Smoke Effect

The iconic smoking car scene in the movie “uncle buck” utilizes smoke machines to create the effect of a malfunctioning vehicle. The smoke is an essential component in portraying the situation and adding comedic value to the scene. Here’s how smoke machines are used to achieve this effect:

  • The scene is carefully staged with the smoke machine strategically placed near the car’s engine compartment.
  • A smoke machine with a high output is chosen to generate a substantial amount of smoke, simulating a car that is overheating or experiencing a mechanical issue.
  • The smoke machine is operated remotely by a technician or a member of the production crew to control the timing and intensity of the smoke effect.
  • The smoke produced by the machine is directed towards the car’s engine area, creating the illusion of smoke billowing out from under the hood.
  • To ensure the safety of the actors and crew, the smoke used in the scene is non-toxic and harmless.

By incorporating smoke machines into the production of “uncle buck,” the filmmakers were able to effectively depict an improbable car malfunction, adding humor and visual interest to the scene. Smoke machines provide a practical and controlled solution for creating smoke effects in movies and other productions, enhancing the overall viewing experience for the audience.

Technique 2: Smoke Grenades

Explanation Of Smoke Grenades And Their Purpose

Smoke grenades are small canisters that release a dense cloud of smoke when activated. They are commonly used in various settings, such as military operations, paintball games, and even film productions. The purpose of smoke grenades is to create a visual barrier by filling an area with thick smoke, which can help conceal movement, confuse the enemy, or add dramatic effects to scenes in movies.

Some key points about smoke grenades and their purpose include:

  • Smoke grenades are designed to produce large amounts of smoke within a short period. They contain a pyrotechnic mixture that creates a chemical reaction, resulting in smoke generation.
  • The smoke generated by these grenades is thick and opaque, making it difficult for individuals to see through it. This characteristic is vital in military scenarios to provide cover for troops or in films to create a visually stunning effect.
  • The smoke produced by these grenades is usually harmless and non-toxic. However, it is crucial to follow safety procedures and use them in well-ventilated areas to prevent any adverse effects.

Types Of Smoke Grenades Commonly Used In Movies

In the world of movies, filmmakers often utilize different types of smoke grenades to achieve specific visual effects. Each type has unique characteristics that can enhance the overall impact of a scene. Here are some commonly used smoke grenades in movies:

  • Standard smoke grenades: These are the most basic smoke grenades available. They produce a thick cloud of smoke that can last for several minutes, creating a dense and immersive atmosphere in the scene.
  • Colored smoke grenades: As the name suggests, these grenades emit smoke of various colors, such as red, blue, green, or purple. Filmmakers use colored smoke grenades to add visual interest or symbolism to their scenes.
  • Persisting smoke grenades: Unlike standard smoke grenades, persisting smoke grenades release smoke that lingers in the air for an extended period. This characteristic is useful when filming scenes that require a long-lasting smoke effect or multiple takes.
  • Dual-action smoke grenades: Dual-action smoke grenades offer versatility by combining two different smoke colors or effects in one canister. This type allows filmmakers to create unique and visually captivating scenes by mixing or transitioning between different smoke effects.

Overall, the choice of smoke grenades in movies depends on the desired visual impact, scene requirements, and the creative vision of the filmmakers. By selecting the appropriate type of smoke grenade, they can effectively transform ordinary scenes into captivating moments filled with smoke and mystery.

Technique 3: Smoke Bombs

Highlighting The Use Of Smoke Bombs In Special Effects

Smoke bombs are a popular tool in the world of special effects, adding a dramatic and visually captivating element to scenes. The controlled release of smoke can create an atmosphere of mystery, suspense, or danger, enhancing the overall impact of a production.

In the case of uncle buck’s car, smoke bombs were ingeniously employed to create the illusion of the vehicle smoking. Let’s delve into the composition and function of smoke bombs and how they were incorporated into this memorable scene.

Detailed Explanation Of Smoke Bomb Composition And Function

Smoke bombs are devices specifically designed to produce a dense and colorful cloud of smoke. They consist of a tube or canister filled with a combination of chemical compounds carefully chosen to achieve the desired effect. When ignited, these compounds undergo a chemical reaction that generates smoke.

**key points about smoke bomb composition and function include:**

  • Smoke bombs typically contain a mixture of an oxidizer, a fuel source, and a coloring agent.
  • The oxidizer facilitates the combustion process by providing oxygen, ensuring that the fuel ignites and burns efficiently.
  • The fuel source is responsible for releasing the smoke-producing chemical reaction and ensuring a sustained smoke output.
  • Coloring agents are added to the smoke mixture to achieve distinct hues, allowing for customization and visual impact.

Smoke bombs function by releasing the smoke mixture through one or more openings in the canister. Upon ignition, the heat activates the chemical reaction, resulting in the production of smoke. The released smoke clouds the surrounding area, obscuring visibility and creating an atmosphere conducive to various effects.

How Smoke Bombs Were Incorporated To Make Uncle Buck’S Car Smoke

In the iconic scene of “uncle buck,” smoke bombs were cleverly incorporated to make the car emit smoke, adding to the chaos and comedy of the situation. The subtle yet effective use of smoke bombs helped to create a visually striking and memorable moment for audiences.

Here’s how they achieved this:

  • Strategically placed smoke bombs were hidden within the car’s engine compartment.
  • A thin wire was connected to the smoke bombs, ensuring they could be activated remotely when needed.
  • Prior to the scene, the car’s real engine was turned off, allowing the smoke bombs to take center stage.
  • As the scene unfolded, the wires were discreetly pulled, activating the smoke bombs and engulfing the engine area with smoke.
  • The billowing smoke created the illusion that the car was experiencing mechanical trouble and added to the comedic effect of uncle buck’s predicament.

By incorporating smoke bombs into the scene, the filmmakers successfully created an atmosphere of urgency and chaos, intensifying the comedic impact of uncle buck’s car trouble. This simple yet effective technique showcases the power of special effects in enhancing storytelling and engaging the audience’s emotions.

Smoke bombs play a significant role in special effects, providing visual impact and enhancing the storytelling experience. By understanding their composition and function, filmmakers can creatively incorporate smoke bombs to create memorable scenes like uncle buck’s smoking car.

Technique 4: Dry Ice

Introduction To Using Dry Ice For Smoke Effects

Uncle buck’s car smoking scene was a sight to behold. How did they manage to create such a realistic effect? The answer lies in the clever use of dry ice. By harnessing the power of this fascinating substance, the filmmakers were able to bring buck’s car to life, engulfing it in a mysterious cloud of smoke.

In this section, we’ll explore the science behind dry ice and its ability to produce smoke, as well as how it was employed to achieve the desired effect.

The Science Behind Dry Ice And Its Ability To Produce Smoke

Dry ice, technically known as solid carbon dioxide, is a unique compound that can undergo sublimation. Sublimation is the process of transitioning directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase. And it is this process that makes dry ice an ideal candidate for creating dense smoke.

Here’s a closer look at the science behind it:

  • Dry ice is incredibly cold, with a temperature of -78.5 degrees celsius (-109.3 degrees fahrenheit). This extreme cold causes it to sublimate rapidly when it comes into contact with the atmosphere, transforming directly from a solid to a gas.
  • As dry ice sublimates, the gas that is released is heavier than air, causing it to sink and flow downwards. This downward flow creates a dense cloud of smoke that can fill a confined space, such as uncle buck’s car.
  • When dry ice reacts with warmer air, the extreme temperature difference causes the moisture present in the air to condense. This condensation forms tiny water droplets, which further enhance the visual effect of the smoke, adding a sense of thickness and realism.

How Dry Ice Was Employed To Achieve The Desired Smoky Effect

Now that we understand the science behind dry ice, let’s delve into how it was used to create the smoky effect in uncle buck’s car:

  • Dry ice pellets or blocks were placed inside a container or bucket.
  • The container was carefully positioned in a strategic location within the car, ensuring that the smoke would disperse evenly throughout the vehicle.
  • Hot water was poured over the dry ice. The extreme temperature difference caused the dry ice to sublimate rapidly, releasing a steady stream of thick smoke.
  • To control the amount of smoke and the duration of the effect, the filmmakers adjusted the quantity of dry ice and the temperature of the water.
  • The result was a captivating scene where uncle buck’s car appeared to be enveloped in a dense cloud of smoke, adding drama and excitement to the storyline.

Dry ice proved to be an invaluable tool in creating the smoking effect for uncle buck’s car. Its ability to rapidly sublimate and produce a thick cloud of smoke added an element of realism and intrigue to the scene. By understanding the science behind dry ice, filmmakers can continue to employ this technique to captivate audiences and bring their visions to life on the big screen.

Technique 5: Chemical Reactions

Discussing The Role Of Chemical Reactions In Special Effects

Special effects have become an integral part of modern filmmaking, creating realistic and awe-inspiring visuals that captivate audiences. One crucial element in achieving these effects is the use of chemical reactions. By harnessing the power of carefully controlled chemical reactions, filmmakers can generate smoke, explosions, and other captivating scenes that leave viewers on the edge of their seats.

Specific Reactions Used To Generate Smoke

When it comes to creating smoke on the big screen, various chemical reactions come into play. These reactions generate a dense cloud of smoke, giving the illusion of a fiery disaster or a vehicle that’s seen better days. Some specific reactions commonly used for creating smoke effects include:

  • Potassium nitrate and sugar: When these two substances are combined and ignited, they undergo a reaction that releases large amounts of smoke.
  • Thermite: Thermite reactions involve combining metal powders, such as aluminum and iron oxide, to create intense heat and smoke.
  • Smoke bombs: Smoke bombs contain chemicals like potassium chlorate or potassium nitrate, along with dyes for colorful effects. These chemicals produce a safe but visually striking smoke when ignited.

Application Of Chemical Reactions In Creating Uncle Buck’S Car Smoke

In the iconic movie uncle buck, the scene where uncle buck’s car dramatically emits plumes of smoke showcases the effective use of chemical reactions for visual impact. To create this effect, the filmmakers relied on a carefully orchestrated sequence of chemical reactions.

Here’s how they did it:

  • Controlled explosion: A small explosion was carefully engineered within the car’s engine compartment using pyrotechnic devices. This explosion set off a chain reaction, igniting various chemicals placed strategically throughout the car.
  • Smoke-generating compounds: Within the car’s engine and exhaust system, specific smoke-generating compounds were carefully positioned. These compounds, when exposed to heat from the explosion, produced copious amounts of smoke, creating the desired smoke effect.
  • Timing and camera angles: To capture the full impact of uncle buck’s car smoking, precise timing and camera angles were essential. The explosion and subsequent smoke had to be coordinated with the camera positioning to create the most visually impressive shots.

By skillfully utilizing chemical reactions and their effects, the filmmakers successfully brought the scene to life, providing audiences with a memorable and visually stunning moment.

Chemical reactions play a crucial role in creating special effects, including smoke effects, in the world of filmmaking. By combining specific substances and timing their reactions, filmmakers can create captivating visuals that enhance the overall storytelling experience. Uncle buck’s smoking car serves as a prime example of the successful application of chemical reactions in creating a visually striking scene.

Conclusion: Artistry In Special Effects

Recap Of The Different Techniques Used To Create Uncle Buck’S Car Smoke

Uncle buck’s car smoke in the film came to life through a combination of artistry and technical expertise. Let’s recap the various techniques employed to create this captivating special effect:

  • Practical effects: The smoke emanating from uncle buck’s car was primarily achieved through practical effects on the film set. This involved the use of smoke machines or smoke grenades placed strategically near the vehicle to generate realistic smoke.
  • Pyrotechnics: In some scenes, pyrotechnic devices were utilized to enhance the visual impact of the smoke. These controlled explosions created bursts of smoke, adding an extra layer of realism and intensity to the car smoke effect.
  • Post-production visual effects: To further enhance the overall effect, visual effects were applied during post-production. This involved digitally enhancing and manipulating the smoke footage captured on set. Techniques such as color grading, compositing, and particle effects were used to refine the appearance of the smoke, ensuring that it seamlessly integrated with the rest of the scene.

Appreciating The Creativity And Skill Behind Movie Special Effects

Movie special effects, including the mesmerizing car smoke in uncle buck, deserve recognition for the creativity and skill involved. Here’s why:

  • Innovation and imagination: Special effects artists constantly push boundaries and explore new techniques to bring fantastical elements to life. Uncle buck’s car smoke demonstrates their ability to think outside the box and translate imaginative concepts into captivating visuals.
  • Technical expertise: Creating realistic smoke requires a deep understanding of physics, chemistry, and optics. Special effects professionals employ their technical prowess to merge scientific knowledge with artistic vision, resulting in stunning effects like the atmospheric smoke engulfing uncle buck’s car.
  • Attention to detail: Movie special effects are all about the subtle details that make the impossible seem real. Each wisp of smoke is meticulously crafted, ensuring it aligns with the scene’s lighting, perspective, and overall aesthetic. It is this attention to detail that allows the audience to suspend disbelief and immerse themselves in the movie’s world.

Final Thoughts On The Impact Of Uncle Buck’S Car Smoke In The Film Industry

Uncle buck’s car smoke not only captivated audiences but also left a significant impact on the film industry as a whole:

  • Immersion and engagement: The realistic portrayal of smoke in uncle buck’s car serves as a testament to the power of special effects in immersing viewers in a film’s storytelling. It creates an atmosphere that draws audiences deeper into the narrative, enhancing their emotional connection with the characters and plot.
  • Inspiration for future filmmakers: The success of uncle buck’s car smoke showcases the potential of special effects as a storytelling tool. It inspires aspiring filmmakers to explore new creative avenues and push the boundaries of what is visually achievable on screen.
  • Iconic visual imagery: Uncle buck’s car smoke has become iconic in its own right, moments of cinematic history that are instantly recognizable. Just like other notable visual effects in films, it has carved a place in popular culture, leaving a lasting impression on audiences for years to come.

Uncle buck’s car smoke stands as a testament to the artistry, skill, and innovation behind movie special effects. Through a combination of practical effects, pyrotechnics, and post-production techniques, the creators brought this captivating visual element to life. By appreciating the intricacies of this special effect, we can gain a deeper understanding of the impact and significance of these art forms in the film industry.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How Did They Get Uncle Buck’S Car To Smoke

How Did They Make Uncle Buck’S Car Smoke?

The smoke effect was created using special effects equipment and techniques during the filming of the scene.

Why Did They Choose To Have Uncle Buck’S Car Smoke?

Having the car smoke added an element of visual interest and excitement to the scene, capturing the attention of the audience.

Does The Smoke In Uncle Buck’S Car Have Any Significance In The Story?

The smoke in uncle buck’s car is purely a visual effect and does not have any specific significance to the overall storyline.

Can Real Cars Produce Smoke Like Uncle Buck’S Car?

Real cars can produce smoke under certain circumstances, such as engine trouble or burning oil, but it is not as dramatic or intentional as in the movie.

How Do Filmmakers Create Smoke Effects In Movies?

Filmmakers use a variety of methods to create smoke effects, including smoke machines, smoke pellets, and post-production editing techniques.


The mystery behind uncle buck’s smoking car has been unraveled, shedding light on the factors that contributed to this unusual incident. It turns out that a combination of aging engine components, neglectful maintenance practices, and poor fuel quality were the main culprits behind the smoking engine.

When the engine oil becomes contaminated with dirt and debris, it fails to lubricate the engine properly, causing excessive friction and heat. This, coupled with a lack of regular oil changes and the use of low-quality fuel, leads to the formation of carbon deposits and the burning of oil residue, resulting in the distinct sight and smell of smoke.

Therefore, to avoid such scenarios, it is crucial to stay on top of regular vehicle maintenance such as oil changes and using high-quality fuel. By doing so, you can ensure a smoothly operating car engine, preventing any uncle buck-style smoking mishaps.

John Thompson
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